Lesson about ...tarantulas.

next weekend is comming on. Again nothing interesting on Polish TV. Next part of "Anne of Green Gables"is aired. I haven't seen it till now but looking at pictures... this part should have been omitted. Really:(. It was done 13 years after 2 first parts. The actors have some wrinkles probably. Who would like to watch it?:(. And the screenplay - how changed compared to original version in book?:( A diseaster - I would call the movie:(. I have found even screenplay on-line and read it with some interest. I will never understand why Polish TV didn't start with I part of this story. But this country has never been normal:(
What more? On Sunday I am going to a party. Tomorrow I will be resting and writing next articles of mine about nature conservation in my local area. I hope my series of articles will be published as a little book. My pictures inside. I would be very happy because of it. As you can suspect I am having PLENTY OF work with this little book.
There are lots of books about nature reserves and other forms of nature conservation but my book is quite different cause it explains a lot of things according to Polish legal system and-what more important - from scientifical point of view. I will be asking local authorities to publish it to me. I have some chances cause in 1999 in Poland so called regional reform has been started and the country has been divided into new administrational areas so I will be writing about such a "new" area and thus I hope to have chances to have it published when I am a good girl in this all mess.
This book will be my pride and I know it. If I have it published of course.
Besides, this week one pupil of mine has made a lesson about tarantulas and I am still really impressed with his presentation. He brought some alive to school in special aquariums. Wonderful lesson, really. Personally, I would never ever breed any tarantulas (I prefer fish and hamsters) but I liked the way he was presenting them to his class and "adventures" he had dealing with them. Of course you should realize some species are both veeeery dangerous and veeeeeery expensive. Thanks God he is a very reasonable person to keep such animals at home. This pupil of mine is really good young wildlife photographer and keeps 10 of these giant spiders at home however he failed one important test. What should I do with him at the end of school year? I really don't know. Maybe you, my readers, have some clues? I allowed him to repeat it though I am not sure if it is honest. But he is such a wildlife freak I think it would be simply stupid of me not to give him a chance to write this test once again.
Personally I have to say with sadness it is very bad that nowadays only written tests are demanded to pass most of exams. All oral parts have been withdrawn. I think it is awful. Such guys like the one I am writing about should also have their chance to present how accomplished and full of interests young people they are.
It is so important in the times of people without any intersts at all:(
Below you can read some things about tarantulas from on-line Wikipedia and see some additional pictures of them. Don't be TOO scared. These are ONLY pictures:)

What more? On Sunday I am going to a party. Tomorrow I will be resting and writing next articles of mine about nature conservation in my local area. I hope my series of articles will be published as a little book. My pictures inside. I would be very happy because of it. As you can suspect I am having PLENTY OF work with this little book.
There are lots of books about nature reserves and other forms of nature conservation but my book is quite different cause it explains a lot of things according to Polish legal system and-what more important - from scientifical point of view. I will be asking local authorities to publish it to me. I have some chances cause in 1999 in Poland so called regional reform has been started and the country has been divided into new administrational areas so I will be writing about such a "new" area and thus I hope to have chances to have it published when I am a good girl in this all mess.
This book will be my pride and I know it. If I have it published of course.
Besides, this week one pupil of mine has made a lesson about tarantulas and I am still really impressed with his presentation. He brought some alive to school in special aquariums. Wonderful lesson, really. Personally, I would never ever breed any tarantulas (I prefer fish and hamsters) but I liked the way he was presenting them to his class and "adventures" he had dealing with them. Of course you should realize some species are both veeeery dangerous and veeeeeery expensive. Thanks God he is a very reasonable person to keep such animals at home. This pupil of mine is really good young wildlife photographer and keeps 10 of these giant spiders at home however he failed one important test. What should I do with him at the end of school year? I really don't know. Maybe you, my readers, have some clues? I allowed him to repeat it though I am not sure if it is honest. But he is such a wildlife freak I think it would be simply stupid of me not to give him a chance to write this test once again.
Personally I have to say with sadness it is very bad that nowadays only written tests are demanded to pass most of exams. All oral parts have been withdrawn. I think it is awful. Such guys like the one I am writing about should also have their chance to present how accomplished and full of interests young people they are.
It is so important in the times of people without any intersts at all:(
Below you can read some things about tarantulas from on-line Wikipedia and see some additional pictures of them. Don't be TOO scared. These are ONLY pictures:)

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