A little bit of green again:)
I have been looking for some on-line English stuff to read and DVD for some students of mine and I found "Anne of Green Gables" movie. What a nice net finding! Indeed! Maybe it wasn't favourite book of my childhood but I liked the movie based on L.M. Montgomery book very, very much.
I think Megan Follows was really great as Anne Shirley. Neither too pretty nor too ugly. Really great part for her. And the actor who played Gilbert Bythe in this series - oh - he was even better!
Breath taking - indeed! Hahaha - great movie it was. I loved it.
Well.. where these all such great guys like he dissapeared somewhere... and WHY?
How nice is to find something like pictures from this movie on-line.
Well... in my childhood I mostly read books about Mary Poppins. Nice books, too. I loved this German-like nanny, her style and adventures. I think it would be good to make a good movie about it too. I cannot find anything about Mary Poppins on-line. I don't like it.
Besides I loved Robinson Crusoe adventures. Probably I liked this guy and his adventures the most. Well... but there are plenty of movies about Robinson Crusoe.
Of course - his life is far from life of one Canadian orphan.
Besides (as deals fiction) I mostly read Verne's books and Twain's books (a bit) + Stevenson's books ( a bit too) as far as I remember. Much more I liked reading about archeological discoveries, stories about deciphering Egyptian hierogliphes, about ancient civilisations, about digging up Troy or about yeti-monster, Loch-Ness monster etc.
I liked stories like that.
Besides I spent my chilhood in communism and as much as books I read I remember I never could buy bread on Saturday cause bakers were never able to bake enough amount of it for people and sometimes I had to queue even 3 hours to buy a bread on Saturday!
We had a field and some crops there and we were spending almost each holiday in Germany with our family who still lives there. I loved going there cause they had wonderful mountain waterfall in the garden, beautiful river in the garden and a perfeclty clean swimming pool where I learnt head-jumping. Sometimes they were comming to us. It wasn't as great to me as you can suspect. No great swimming pool that year:(.
Once we bought bikes there. All kids from my street envied me my fantastic bike. My brother had the same but he spoilt it much faster than me. But I am not sure.
Well... I never liked comming back to Poland from our German holiday. But we were bringing a lot of toys and sweets and food here and it helped to adjust to Polish reality again.
Well - and now you have some chances to remind stories from your childhood and pictures from - probably - the best TV series about Anne of Green Gables.
I even found one Chineese site about her. It is increadible that Chineese people can also like the books about Anne Shirley and write www.pages in china letters about it! Interesting:)
And here she is - little orphan from the movie and Canadian actress Megan Follows who played her:
I have been looking for some on-line English stuff to read and DVD for some students of mine and I found "Anne of Green Gables" movie. What a nice net finding! Indeed! Maybe it wasn't favourite book of my childhood but I liked the movie based on L.M. Montgomery book very, very much.
I think Megan Follows was really great as Anne Shirley. Neither too pretty nor too ugly. Really great part for her. And the actor who played Gilbert Bythe in this series - oh - he was even better!
Breath taking - indeed! Hahaha - great movie it was. I loved it.
Well.. where these all such great guys like he dissapeared somewhere... and WHY?
How nice is to find something like pictures from this movie on-line.
Well... in my childhood I mostly read books about Mary Poppins. Nice books, too. I loved this German-like nanny, her style and adventures. I think it would be good to make a good movie about it too. I cannot find anything about Mary Poppins on-line. I don't like it.
Besides I loved Robinson Crusoe adventures. Probably I liked this guy and his adventures the most. Well... but there are plenty of movies about Robinson Crusoe.
Of course - his life is far from life of one Canadian orphan.
Besides (as deals fiction) I mostly read Verne's books and Twain's books (a bit) + Stevenson's books ( a bit too) as far as I remember. Much more I liked reading about archeological discoveries, stories about deciphering Egyptian hierogliphes, about ancient civilisations, about digging up Troy or about yeti-monster, Loch-Ness monster etc.
I liked stories like that.
Besides I spent my chilhood in communism and as much as books I read I remember I never could buy bread on Saturday cause bakers were never able to bake enough amount of it for people and sometimes I had to queue even 3 hours to buy a bread on Saturday!
We had a field and some crops there and we were spending almost each holiday in Germany with our family who still lives there. I loved going there cause they had wonderful mountain waterfall in the garden, beautiful river in the garden and a perfeclty clean swimming pool where I learnt head-jumping. Sometimes they were comming to us. It wasn't as great to me as you can suspect. No great swimming pool that year:(.
Once we bought bikes there. All kids from my street envied me my fantastic bike. My brother had the same but he spoilt it much faster than me. But I am not sure.
Well... I never liked comming back to Poland from our German holiday. But we were bringing a lot of toys and sweets and food here and it helped to adjust to Polish reality again.
Well - and now you have some chances to remind stories from your childhood and pictures from - probably - the best TV series about Anne of Green Gables.
I even found one Chineese site about her. It is increadible that Chineese people can also like the books about Anne Shirley and write www.pages in china letters about it! Interesting:)
And here she is - little orphan from the movie and Canadian actress Megan Follows who played her:

Well - I also read that the actress who played Diane in that movie was Katherine Hupburn's niece or someone from family of this noble actress and while Katherine declined Marilla Cuthbert part - the same she proposed later Diane as Anne Shirley. Hahaha, isn't it? But finally she got Diane's part. Not the worst too after all.

But talking about movies... well... lately I have read that one actor who plays John Paul II part in US movie about John Paul II (presently on in Polish cinemas) that he is a father of...Angelina Jolie. Good Lord - I thought - less famous father of more famous Angelina Jolie plays a part of John Paul II. Hmmm... I like this actress since her part in Alexander the Great movie. I liked her as a mother of Alexander the Great.
Well ...life is strange sometimes, isn't it?OK - soon I am comming back to Catalonia district.
Nice day for everyone here:)
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