sobota, 28 stycznia 2006

A little bit about Tarnowskie Góry

Today I would like to present some info about nearby town - called Tarnowskie Góry taken from a www site offered by it.
Soon I will tell you why:)

The Upper Silesian Industrial District is not only the today coal and steel region, but also a very old mining centre of lead-ores with silver admixture, to be called in the former times the silver carrier ore and the mining of iron-ores which in the past centuries formed this land. Later on, came time for mining of zinc-ore and coal. The first documentary mention of the lead-ore mining has dated from 1136 and said about the dig miners of silver in the vicinity of Bytom, the later mining town, which inhabitants used silver cradles for their children, as other people told about them. From the XIII century the mining of lead-ore has already existed in the neighbourhood of Repty village (now the quarter of Tarnowskie Góry). However the later discovery of the new deposits of lead-ores with a rich admixture of silver near the Tarnowice village caused to form of mountains (gory) or mines, today called Tarnowskie Góry as the miners settlements. In the XVI century these above mentioned settlements received the town-rights. Only the later application of steam engines to be used in industry, and coke in iron metallurgy brought in the XIX century a dynamic coal mining development, which in that time began to dominate in the Upper Silesian industry, pushing down the other industrial branches at the background. The mining and metallurgy of zinc-lead ores existed in the neighbourhood of Tarnowskie Góry up to the interwar time, and in the Bytom - Piekary region to the eighties of XX century. A lot of labyrinths, galleries and underground chambers have remained after the zinc-lead ores mining. If you are disirous to see the beauty of these undergrounds, visit therefore, restored for tourists the underground tourist routes, they are:


Has been accessed for visitors from 1957, is to be found on the south-west part of town in the large Repecki Park, situated near the Górnośląskie Centrum Rehabilitacji "Repty" ("Repty" Upper Silesian Rehabilitation Centre). We have to climb down on foot by winding stairs and next to go by boats through the sector of about 600 m long and nearly 25 m deep, next we continue the underground travel along the water-gallery hollowed out in 1821-1835, in darkness brightened only by a twinkling carbide lamp. It remains unforgettable impresions. The tour time from climbing down to going up is about one hour. The distance to the parkings is by foot about 20 minutes. For the sightseeing parties the opening time is all the year from 8.00 a.m. to darkness. There is possible to make a reservation before. You can phone or write. If the group wishes we are ready to service even at night. For single visitors there is for disposal a guide in the following time-limits:

May, June, September, October on Saturdays and Sundays, from 12.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and in July and August every day from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. In other days, single visitors can be joined to groups as there are free places in boats.


Opened for visitors in 1976 iz a object situated on the south part of town at "Szczęść Boże" Street No. 52. The object contains Museum of mining of metal-ores in the over-shaft building and tourist route, which has a lenght of 1700 m and about 40 m. deep, including to row by boats on distance about 270 m. long. the mining exploited area dates from the XVII to XIX century the going down on the miner`s bryt-lift, and the visiting underground with a helmet on the head and a guide accompany. The tour time of museum and the underground tourist route is nearly 1,5 hour. Upstairs it is also situated the steam engines open air museum. The mine is open every days. Also on saturdays from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.. Closed on following days: New Year, first Easter Holiday, Corpus Christi Day, 1 and 11th of November and both Christmas holidays. During the time of greatest tourist movement, the object is longely open for sightseeing parties. In the object exist: the restaurant, the photograph and shops with the souvenirs.

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